Saturday, 30 October 2010

Matthew Bournes 'Cinderella'

Sadlers Wells from 30th November 2010

'Cinderella' Matthew Bourne - 
CLICK on shoe
for a video clip!

"Set in London during the Second World War, Matthew Bourne's interpretation of Prokofiev's haunting score has, at its heart, a true wartime romance and his storytelling has never been more passionate and touching. A chance meeting results in a magical night for Cinderella and her dashing young RAF pilot, together just long enough to fall in love before being parted by the Blitz." (source Sadlers Wells website).

Matthew Bourne
Matthew Bourne is one of the most famous and successful UK choreographers of today, and boasts a variety of amazing performance pieces and awards under his belt.  Matthew started training to be a dancer at the comparatively late age of 22.  He studied Dance Theatre and Choreography at The Laban Centre graduating in 1985 but spending a further year with the college’s performance company Transitions.  Matthew danced professionally for 14 years creating many roles in his own work.  In 1999 he gave his final performance playing The Private Secretary in the Broadway production of Swan Lake.

Matthew Bourne is a Resident Artist at Sadlers Wells Theatre. His company, New Adventures, has enjoyed a special relationship with the theatre and its audiences for many years and was invited to be Resident Company in 2006.

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