Sunday, 13 November 2011

Jazz Workshop 1 (Lyrical)

The following video evidence documents Alice Norris, Kelly Rolfe and Myriam Maley teaching their audition dance for lyrical Jazz to the BTEC Performing Arts Group (C14, Assignment 4, Task 1). 
The following is also evidence for bullet point 1 below for the rest of the group.

You are auditioning with your jazz dance company for a spot in the variety show; you must learn, rehearse and perform three audition pieces in contrasting styles.  You can choose from rock, lyrical, funk or street. You will:

  • Take place in jazz dance workshops where you will experiment with contrasting styles and track your progress and development in a dancer’s log.
  • Working in groups of two’s/three’s each group will choreograph and teach an audition piece in a style of your choice to the rest of your class.  The piece should last one minute each and be tracked in your dancers log.
  • You should perform 2 of the audition dances to a panel of variety show judges and record for evidence.

This evidence proves how the students have identified, described and explained key features of a lyrical jazz piece by their practical exploration of the style and then breaking it down and teaching it to their peers.

This evidence is also reinforced by the evidence in their 'dancer's log'.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Auditioning for Musical Theatre Assignment 1 of 7 - Singing Auditions.

The following video's evidence for task 3 of Auditioning for Musical Theatre Assignment 1 of 7 (auditioning for singing).

Task 3:  You will take part in a series of workshops with a focus on singing skills from a variety of musical theatre productions.  You must:
  • Record your progress in each of the singing workshops using the template provided by the workshop leader.
  • Choose your strongest singing piece and rehearse, making use of video recordings and peer assessment to track your improvements.
  • Rehearse your song and add your own performance skill/interpretation.
  • Perform your chosen audition piece to the group.
The bullet points in bold are particularly evident in the videos below.


Auditioning for Musical Theatre Assignment 1 of 7 - Dance audition pieces

The following videos are Evidence for task 2 (auditioning for dance).  This task forms part of the unit 'Auditioning for Musical Theatre Assignment 1 of 7'. 

Task 2:  You will take part in a series of workshops with a focus on dance skills from a variety of musical theatre productions.  You must:

  • Record your progress in each of the dance workshops using the template provided by the workshop leader.
  • Choose your strongest dance piece and rehearse, making use of video recordings and peer assessment to track your improvements.
  • Rehearse your dance and add your own performance skill/interpretation.
  • Perform your chosen audition piece to the group.
(The bullet points in bold above are particulary evident in the videos below).

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Auditioning for Musical Theatre Assignment 1 of 7 - Drama Audition pieces

Welcome to the video evidence of the BTEC Performing Arts Extended Certificate (Level 2) - Auditioning for Musical Theatre Assignment 1 of 7


Task 1: You will take part in a series of workshops with a focus on acting skills from a variety of musical theatre productions.  You must:
  • Record your progress in each of the drama workshops using the template provided by the workshop leader.
  • Choose your strongest piece and annotate the script for movement, voice and interaction with others
  • Learn your lines off by heart
  • Perform your chosen audition piece to the group.
(the bullet points in bold are demonstrated in the video evidence on this blog)

Myriam Maley

Chloe Green

Chloe Stockman

Alice Norris

Louise Baker

Laura Anne Connor

Kelly Rolfe

Eleanor Goodchild

Katie Burrows

Shannon Phillips

Shauna MacMillan